Stained Glass Dove of Peace

Our American Dream/
Big Money
2024 Election

We have 7 articles on the 2024 election below.

But first, we offer a critique of Trump and Biden

As detailed in our previous free articles, Trump is just a Big Money politician.

  • Trump is guaranteed to continue preventing the American Dream.
  • Trump is guaranteed to continue screwing and killing Americans for billionaire and corporate profits.
  • Trump is a lifelong sociopath who has destroyed many family businesses, raped dozens of women, killed 500,000 Americans through his negligence and selfishness, and partnered with many mafia bosses and Russian oligarchs.

We need Biden now because he’s fighting for the American Dream, with its truly Christian human rights!

But Biden makes 3 big Christian mistakes.

First is the mistake almost every American president has made in our lifetimes: Biden doesn’t understand or doesn’t care that unnecessary wars (and our military industrial complex profiting from them) are not Christian.

Second, Biden is an out-of-touch dinosaur with a lifelong blind spot from traditional American policy on Israel. 

  • Biden thinks Israel and America are partners in democracy and Christianity.

It was never a democratic or Christian project to:

  • kick 700,000 Palestinians off their lands to give Jews a place to go after Hitler’s holocaust.
  • constantly steal more Palestinian lands ever since.
  • establish separate apartheid laws discriminating against Palestinians and separate highways with checkpoints.
  • jail children for up to 20 years, even kill children, for throwing rocks.
  • consistently kill 20 times the people in retaliatory attacks.

Third, facing millions of Americans entranced by the immensely popular politics of Othering/Dehumanizing/Hate, trying win more votes, Biden has adopted Trump’s mean policies against immigrants.

  • Our economy would die without the immigrants we already have here.
  • More immigrants would massively boost our economy.
  • They add far more money to our government than they use in services.
  • Immigrants are less violent than natural born Americans.

We need to spend money on:

  • immigration judges to choose among applicants wisely.
  • placements and work permits that would rejuvenate our dying small towns.

The American People are better than our constant wars. 

  • We need Biden now because he fights Big Money for the American Dream and he fights for human rights worldwide.
  • We need our next president after Biden to lead the world to peace.
  • We need to focus on dialogue, diplomacy, economic cooperation, and cultural exchange instead of military escalation and war.

If we expose the real owners of shell companies worldwide, we could capture trillions of dollars for peace from:

  • dictators
  • mafias
  • corporate offshoring
  • corrupt business and government officials

We could then use this money to help the desperate masses worldwide with:

  • food
  • clean water
  • medicines
  • jobs
  • housing

Prevention by simply taking care of people is far, far cheaper than dealing with conflicts and wars.

We could negotiate a new United Nations:

  • eliminating Russia & China veto powers.
  • giving more power to democracies with human rights.

We could also lead the world to peace by being the first to devote 1/10 or 1/12 of our military budget to helping people worldwide.

If America takes the first step, other nations may join us.

In a spirit of cooperation, we might be able to negotiate more Christian help and less weapons worldwide.