Rave Self-Help Psychology Reviews

American Mental Health Counselors Association:

“an enjoyable and easy read … I would recommend it as an addition to anyone’s collection of resources. I’d also recommend that practitioners share it with consumers and students. Others who might find the book useful include clergy, teachers, volunteers, and other members of the various helping professions. … A chapter, “Warnings about Psychology” is particularly telling about the dangerously wide range of actual expertise and the efficacy/potency.of treatments offered by various practitioners. … Consumers are duly warned about various frauds and ill-conceived treatment regimens that lack an empirical basis.”

International Academy of Behavioral Medicine, Counseling, and Psychotherapy:

“The basic information in this text, which deals with a wide variety of mental health problems, is remarkable. If I were asked for a single source where practical and useful information could be found, I would recommend this book. This is an excellent text that has wide application for the general public, as well as behavioral health professionals. It was designed to be used by the lay person, but would also be a useful guide for the practicing clinician.”

Science Books and Films, American Association for the Advancement of Science:

“a self-help book of practical advice useful to the general public as well as social-behavioral professionals. …

It makes an ideal gift for young adults, newlyweds, young parents, or anyone facing change in their life. The information presented is helpful in all stages of life. … Parental concerns from infancy throughout adolescence are addressed with clarity. … relevant as a professional reference work, a book to increase knowledge of the subject, and a supplement to classroom instruction. The volume provides a balanced presentation of controversial and sensitive issues … a reader-friendly guidebook, appropriate for all adults at various stages of their lives. It is also reasonably priced.”

Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy:

“highly recommended … immensely beneficial. … It uses no difficult language. … It tells it clear and straight. Thus, this is a how-to, no-nonsense book, rich with the nuts and bolts of self-management, self- development, and self-control to achieve personal happiness. No one need to doubt the scientific soundness of the advice given in this volume. The advice is distilled from the most advanced, modern psychological science from varied areas such as social/learning, cognitive, behavioral, systems, psychodynamic, and existential theories… People who learn the lessons in this book are on the path to happiness and to resolving their problems in a meaningful way that ultimately leads to fulfillment. The book shows how to parent more effectively … set workable limits for the children … Special problems concerning child rearing are discussed with utmost sensitivity and know-how… I wholeheartedly endorse this wonderful volume: a tribute to the field of psychology, a balm for those who suffer.”

Dr. Thomas Holsworth, Psychology Professor, Certified Prescribing Psychologist, Catholic Deacon, St. Meinrad College Seminary, St. Meinrad, IN:

“The book defines love clearly in behaviors, teaches us how to love ourselves, and teaches us how to love other people in our lives. It properly emphasizes the importance of love in mental health, happiness, and self-esteem. It gives my students and clients hands-on, practical, helpful tools to immediately apply psychology to their own lives. The author makes psychology easy to understand and collects all of psychology’s great advice on relationships between friends, spouses, parents, and children in one manual. With its straight forward advice and sound psychological theory, his book is a must for any practicing psychotherapist.”

Another Psychology Professor and Catholic monk teaching in an Abbey:

“Good self-help text … very helpful … You get to the heart of the matter effectively. We, as psychologists, are often criticized for “pop psychology” – so we back off simple answers and then much of the world goes on suffering! Good work!”